Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cebu Cool Riders Celebrates Their 1st year Anniversary

Over 35 members of the HJ Cebu Cool Riders celebrated their 1st year anniversary at the Norkis Compound, A.S. Fortuna Street, Mandaue City, Cebu last September 27, 2014 with the support of the Norkis-Haojue OEM headed by Mr. Edmund Y. Pingkian, General Managing Head. The Cool Riders aimed to strengthen their bonds and expand their organization through this endeavor.

What is Haojue Cebu Cool Riders?

Haojue Cebu Cool Riders is an organization of HJ Cool 150 owners and riders in Cebu. They are a group of individuals who travel with their families for the purpose of leisure and of helping communities. They aim to gather and strengthen the bonds of motorcycle enthusiasts in Cebu.

During the Celebration

The group started their anniversary by having a motorcade from their headquarters to the Norkis Compound, where they will hold their anniversary.

Norkis-Haojue Cebu Cool Riders Anniversary
Over 35 HJ Cool 150 owners parked their rides on the Norkis grounds. After their motorcade, the group had a recollection to resolve group issues and to make them closer to each other.

Norkis-Haojue Cebu Cool Riders Anniversary
After strengthening the group's commitment to the organization and resolving internal conflicts, they now proceed to their favorite part – LUNCH TIME. During their recollection, they have filled their spirituality. Now, they have filled their stomachs to prepare themselves for their much awaited contest.

Norkis-Haojue Cebu Cool Riders Anniversary
After Lunch, the group went to their assigned groups to prepare for the contest and the program. The program was hosted by Mr. Joe Nel Becios and Mr. Alfredo Estrada.

Norkis-Haojue Cebu Cool Riders Anniversary
The Blue team bags 1st place and the judges were really filled with awe with their presentation. The black team ranked 2nd and the orange team ranked 3rd.

Norkis-Haojue Cebu Cool Riders Anniversary
The judges behind the declaration of the winner were Mr. Jon Eric Quisumbing, Mr. Renante Eras and Mrs. Malou Alota (from left to right).

Norkis-Haojue Cebu Cool Riders Anniversary
Before the announcement of the winner, Norkis-Haojue OEM had a surprise presentation to entertain the crowd. They were headed by the hosts of the event themselves.

Norkis-Haojue Cebu Cool Riders Anniversary
Everybody was recognized for their efforts of helping the organization grow. The HJ Cebu Cool Riders are now stronger and closer than before!

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